Natalia Grace found herself in a vulnerable position when she was left to fend for herself in 2013 — whether a child or adult, she was left to contend with the challenges of her disability alone. However, Grace was fortunate enough to soon make contact with another couple, Antwon and Cynthia Mans, who were introduced to their new neighbor through a friend who had struck up a conversation with her in the street, according to the Lafayette Journal & Courier.

Grace — who claims that this was actually the second time the Barnetts had made her live alone despite her disability — formed a fast connection with the Mans, and within days she was living with them, paying $250 a month rent. The Mans took loving care of Grace, teaching her to read, write, and count, and have brought her up ever since becoming her legal guardians. The Barnetts weren't the first American family to adopt Grace, but based on the loyalty the Mans family has shown toward her in public since her story broke, it seems that the Ukrainian now has a loving home for life.
