For the third time in about six weeks, two bodies have been pulled from Lady Bird Lake in Austin, Texas.

The Austin Police Department said the latest was 33-year-old Jonathan Honey, whose body was found Saturday night.

The body of 30-year-old Jason John, who went missing while walking on Feb. 5, was also found in the lake on Feb. 13.

Another body was pulled from the lake on March 5. That person has not been identified.

The discoveries are hitting home not only for family members who have suffered the same loss, but also for the city of Austin.

I was in disbelief,” Jason John’s mother, Elsie John, said. “It was like another nightmare. It was like watching a horror movie or something, you know, and I experienced, you know, like reliving the experience of losing Jason again.”

Council Member Zo Qadri said when he heard of Honey’s disappearance, he was hopeful he wouldn’t meet the same end as John did.

I was just completely gutted, and I think there was a little bit, you know, before obviously I was finding out they did find him in the water, you know, I was hopeful,” he said.

Nisha Paraaadavil is a family friend of John’s and is the best friend of John’s partner, Tara.

We’re living a horror movie, and I just feel like, yeah, we’re in a horror movie,” she said. “It brought back everything.”

Josh Gale, John’s close friend and former roommate and co-worker, said if something isn’t done, history will repeat itself.

It was heartbreaking. It’s gonna happen again and when it is, it’s gonna punch you right in the gut. You’re gonna feel horrible, I mean, this is still really fresh for us; we’re still actively mourning,” said Gale.

Honey was reported missing on March 31.

KEYE was told Honey was visiting Austin from Washington D.C. for a bachelor’s party when he separated from his group. He was last seen getting food at a food truck.

They were there to celebrate a new beginning for the groom and bride-to-be,” Paraaadavil said. “I know it’s gonna be difficult for them but just hopefully they find solace in that maybe this will prompt change.”

Since John’s body was pulled from Lady Bird Lake, changes have been made. Fences have been put up, warning signs are now posted and even lighting has been installed. But victims’ families said it’s not nearly enough.
